Logo Schauer - Stalltechnik Stalleinrichter
Schauer - Stalltechnik Stalleinrichter

Innovation, experience and competence for your cattle stable

en.schauer-agrotronic.com open_in_new

Logo Oberleitner WINDSCHUTZ
Oberleitner WINDSCHUTZ

High-quality wind protection solutions and gates – for agriculture, industry and private use

www.oberleitner-windschutz.com open_in_new

Logo Tecnozoo - Mangimi per animali da reddito
Tecnozoo - Mangimi per animali da reddito

Producers of premixes and complementary feeds

tecnozoo.it/en/ open_in_new

Logo KRAMP - It`s that easy
KRAMP - It`s that easy

Europe`s largest specialist for spare parts and accessories in the areas of agriculture, forestry and gardening

www.kramp.com/shop-gb/en open_in_new

Logo PRILLINGER - Replacement parts with ´Serviceplus´
PRILLINGER - Replacement parts with ´Serviceplus´

Austria`s leading specialist for agricultural machinery spare parts and wear parts

www.prillinger.at/en open_in_new

Logo Rapid - Simply works
Rapid - Simply works

The right solution for every area of use

rapid.ch/en open_in_new

Logo IBEX - Terratec Maschinenbau
IBEX - Terratec Maschinenbau

State-of-the-art technology from the Alps that is up to any challenge

www.terratec.cc/ibex open_in_new

Logo Dairymaster - Experience the difference
Dairymaster - Experience the difference

Milking parlors, feeding systems, automatic feed and manure pushers, heat detection systems, milk cooling tanks ...

www.dairymaster.com/gb/ open_in_new

Logo Heiniger AG - When results matter
Heiniger AG - When results matter

Clippers for the animal sector of excellent quality, made in Switzerland

heiniger-large-animals.com/en/ open_in_new

Logo Gallagher Tiermanagement
Gallagher Tiermanagement

Market leader in electric fences, cradles and electronic identification (EID) and data capture

www.gallagher.eu/en_de open_in_new

Logo HANSKAMP - Innovative solutions
HANSKAMP - Innovative solutions

Greater animal health, better animal welfare and more work relief for the farmer

hanskamp.com/en/ open_in_new

Logo AIRCRAFT - Drucklufttechnik
AIRCRAFT - Drucklufttechnik

Compressed Air Technology for Industry, Craftsmen & DIY Enthusiasts

www.aircraft-kompressoren.com open_in_new

Logo Siliconform

Innovative milking technology in process and product development

www.siliconform.com/page/en/index.php open_in_new

Logo ETSCHEID - Milchkühlung
ETSCHEID - Milchkühlung

Milk cooling and food processing, Industrial cooling systems, Recooling and immersion cooling

etscheid.de/en/ open_in_new


Products for animal care and animal husbandry

www.lister.de/en/lister-gmbh/ open_in_new


Agricultural vehicles and mounted snow blowers

www.cerrutimacchineagricole.it/en/ open_in_new

Logo HSR Heutrocknung SR
HSR Heutrocknung SR

Extensive product range in the areas of loose hay drying, round bale drying and herb drying ...

www.heutrocknung.com/en/ open_in_new

Logo Stöckl Maschinenbau
Stöckl Maschinenbau

Specialist in alpine agriculture

www.smg.at/home/ open_in_new

Logo MOTOREX - Schmierstoffe
MOTOREX - Schmierstoffe

Swiss partner for innovative lubricants and chemical-technical products

motorex.com open_in_new


High-Quality lubricants

www.nils.eu/en/ open_in_new